Monday 24 December 2012

Father Christmas


Father Christmas (UK) and Santa Claus (USA) have different histories but are now  essentially agreed to be the same character.
He lives in Lapland (UK) or the North Pole (USA) where for most of the year he makes toys with the help of Elves. On Christmas night he flies round the world in his magic sleigh pulled by reindeer called Dasher, Dancer , Prancer, Vixen,Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen and, on foggy nights, assisted by Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer.In the course of the night he visits every child in the world bringing them gifts but only if they are asleep and if they have been good in the previous year.  His elves keep a list of all the naughty children so that he knows who to visit.

He used to wear a green coat like the elves but for the last century and a half he has worn red trousers and a red jacket trimmed with white fur and a red hat. He has snowy white hair and a long beard and moustache. He used to come down the chimney to children but now fewer houses have chimneys he has to be more imaginative. He puts smaller presents into stockings which children leave for him by the fireplace or at the end of their bed but larger presents (like bicycles) will be left wherever is convenient. As it is hard work delivering presents he likes it if the children leave a glass of sherry or brandy and a mince pie for him and a carrot or some sprouts for his reindeer. If Father christmas has visited these will always have been eaten and drunk when the children come downstairs in the morning.
In order that he knows the right present to take to each child he has lots of assistants who dress like him and go into shops and town centres in December to ask children what they want. Some of these also collect money for charity or to buy christmas presents for poor families. Alternatively children can write to him at Lapland or the North Pole and get a reply from him telling them to be good; or you can send you note to him up the chimney.

NORAD track the progress of his sleigh on Christmas Eve and a few lucky children with wealthy parents are able to visit him in Lapland before Christmas on special holiday flights. They can see the reindeer and ride in a sleigh themselves.
He has starred in many films and is the subject of numerous songs and poems. In particular


                 A Merry Christmas to All and to All a Goodnight

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